ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Oct 4, 2016
Speaker Kimihito Ito, Division of Bioinformatics, Research Center for Zoonosis Control, Hokkaido University
Title Combining Population Genetics of Pathogens and Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Abstract The estimation of the basic reproduction number is essential to understand epidemic dynamics, and time series data of infected individuals are usually used for the estimation. However, such data are not always available, and methods to estimate the basic reproduction number using genealogy constructed from nucleotide sequences of pathogens have been proposed so far. In my talk I will introduce a new method that we recently developed to estimate epidemiological parameters of outbreaks using the time series change of Tajima’s D statistic on the nucleotide sequences of pathogens. To relate the time evolution of Tajima’s D to the number of infected individuals, we constructed a mathematical model describing both the transmission process of pathogens among hosts and the evolutionary process of the pathogens. As a case study we applied this method to the field data of nucleotide sequences of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) 2009 viruses collected in Argentina. The Tajima’s D-based method estimated basic reproduction number, recovery rate, and mutation rate to be 1.47 (95% highest posterior density (HPD): 1.1– 4.34), 0.12 per day (95% HPD: 0.09– 0.84), and 0.000163 per site per day (95% HPD: 0.0000599–0.000423), respectively. The estimated basic reproduction number was consistent with estimation by birth–death skyline plot and estimation using the time series of the number of infected individuals. These results suggested that Tajima’s D statistic on nucleotide sequences of pathogens could be useful to estimate epidemiological parameters of outbreaks.