ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Jun 21, 2016
Speaker Dr. Yuji Shinano, Zuse Institute Berlin
(Visiting Associate Professor, Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Title Towards Using over a Million CPU Cores to Solve Previously Unsolved Mixed Integer Programming Problem Instances
Abstract The Ubiquity Generator (UG) is a framework for the external parallelization of MIP solvers. UG provides a systematic way to develop a parallel solver that can run on large-scale distributed memory computing environments. It was used to develop ParaSCIP, a distributed memory, massively parallel version of the open source academic solver SCIP. In this talk we present a success story where we solve 14 open MIP instances from MIPLIB2003 and MIPLIB2010 using ParaSCIP on up to 80,000 cores of supercomputers. Finally, we introduce ParaXpress, for which one of the fastest commercial MIP solvers, the FICO Xpress-Optimizer, has been parallelized by UG. Combining the internal shared-memory parallelization of Xpress and the external parallelization of UG, we aim at a new order of magnitude for supercomputer core-usage in MIP solving.