ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date Nov 12, 2015
Speaker Wataru Iwasaki, Associate Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan
Title Bioinformatic Approaches for Comprehensive Description of Biological Systems
Abstract Technological innovations in the life science domain have enabled us to obtain and analyze massive amount of data that can unveil the underlying principles of biological systems and their evolutionary histories. While massive genomic data provide an overview of the history of life over hundreds of millions of years, other omic data illustrate how genomic sequences perform their functions about, for example, gene expression, regulation, and interactions. Furthermore, bioimaging data provide ways to quantitatively characterize phenotypes and behavior of organisms. Last but not least, metagenomic and metabarcoding data illustrate complex ecosystems.

In this lecture, I will introduce several bioinformatic approaches for comprehensively describing biological systems at various levels. Specific topics will include: motif centrality analysis of ChIP-Seq (MOCCS) for enumerating all DNA- binding motifs, genomic evolutionary analysis algorithms for revealing how complex biological networks have evolved, GroupTracker for accurately tracking multiple animal individuals even under severe occlusion, and MiFish primers for studying fish communities in ecosystems.

Ozaki and Iwasaki. Comput. Biol. Chem. in press (2015)
Miya, Sato, Fukunaga, Sado, Poulsen, Sato, Minamoto, Yamamoto, Yamanaka, Araki, Kondoh, and Iwasaki. Roy. Soc. Open Sci. 2, 150088 (2015)
Fukunaga, Kubota, Oda, and Iwasaki. Comput. Biol. Chem. 57, 39-45 (2015)
Yoshitane, Ozaki, Terajima, Du, Suzuki, Fujimori, Kosaka, Shimba, Sugano, Takagi, Iwasaki*, and Fukada*. Mol. Cell. Biol. 34, 1776-1787 (2014) (*Co-corresponding authors)
Iwasaki, Fukunaga, Isagozawa, Yamada, Maeda, Satoh, Sado, Mabuchi, Takeshima, Miya, and Nishida. Mol. Biol. Evol. 30, 2531-2540 (2013)
Iwasaki and Takagi, PLOS Genet. 5, e10000402 (2009)
Iwasaki and Takagi, Bioinformatics 23, i230-i239 (2007)
