ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date May 8, 2006
Speaker Dr. Tatsuo Shibata, Department of mathematical and life sciences, Hiroshima university
Title Network basis of stripes formation and constructive decoding of developmental program
Abstract   Gene regulatory networks contain several substructures called network motifs, which frequently exist throughout the networks. One of such motifs found in both single cell organisms Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and multicellular organisms such as Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and Drosophila melanogaster is the feed- forward loop, in which an effecter regulates its target by a direct regulatory interaction and an indirect interaction mediated by another gene product. In contrast, two network motifs are found particularly in the multicellular organisms S. purpuratus and D. melanogaster. The two motifs consists of three genes, among which two genes are mutually interacting each other, and both two genes are regulating or regulated by another gene product.
  These network motifs do not often represent an independent unit that are functionally isolated from the rest of the network. Our database study of gene regulatory networks indicates that most of these motifs are actually cross talking. Therefore, the network motifs are considered as building blocks of a network. Interactions and cross talks of the motifs may give rise to a function of the network that a single network motif cannot generate.
  These network motifs do not often represent an independent unit that are functionally isolated from the rest of the network. Our database study of gene regulatory networks indicates that most of these motifs are actually cross talking. Therefore, the network motifs are considered as building blocks of a network. Interactions and cross talks of the motifs may give rise to a function of the network that a single network motif cannot generate.
  Here, we theoretically analyze the behavior of networks that contain these three network motifs cross talking to each other. In response to levels of the effecter, such networks can generate multiple rise-and-fall temporal expression profiles and spatial stripes, which are typically observed in developmental processes. We also show that the two motifs particularly found in D. melanogaster serves to sharpen the network response. Base on this theoretical frame work, we developed a mathematical model of the early development of D. melanogaster. The model explains how the distribution of the motifs in the network contributes to the pattern formation in the developmental process of the fly.