ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date September 6, 2004
Speaker Dr. Hisashi Kashima, Tokyo Research Laboratory and IBM Japan, Ltd., Japan
Title A kernel-based approach to sequence labeling problems
Sequence labeling problems are tasks to assign a label to each of the hidden variables in given sequences.  In bioinformatics area, many problems such as gene finding and protein secondary structure prediction are naturally defined as sequence labeling problems.  Although hidden Makov models have been employed for these tasks traditionally, and conditional models such as conditional random fields are being used more recently, they can not consider arbitrarily wide context in sequences efficiently.  In this presentation, we introduce a kernel-based approach to labeling problems.  One of the virtues of kernel methods is that they can handle arbitrary size features (e.g. arbitrary order Makov assumption by using string kernels) in polynomial time complexity.  We combine a labeling learning algorithm and marginalized kernel functions with arbitrary sized features, which results in a new sequence labeling algorithm incorporating arbitrary sized features in polynomial time complexity.