ゲノム情報科学研究教育機構  アブストラクト
Date April 21, 2003
Speaker Magnus Halldorson, University of Iceland
Title Design of a marker set for a whole genome scan for cancer
  The Icelandic Cancer Project involves a comprehensive linkage disequilibrium search for cancer predisposing genes, with a key component of a whole genome scan.  All living cancer patients, their relatives, and controls are invited to participate, and the great majority does.  It draws on the model features of the Icelandic population isolate of good genealogical records, standardized health care, and reliable medical information, in addition to the advantage of greatly increased intervals of linkage disequilibrium.

  We outline in this talk the promises and execution of the project, from the view of a computer scientist, and discuss some of the bioinformatics challenges.  In particular, we describe in some detail our algorithms and prototype system for selecting markers and primers for multiplexing genotyping experiements.